Portugal’s Golden Visa program is a shining opportunity for high net worth individuals seeking a gateway to European residency and the myriad benefits it offers. At Beyond Global Partners, we specialize in providing top-tier consultancy services to help you navigate the complex requirements of this program. In this article, we’ll delve into the key eligibility criteria in 2023, the reasons why Portugal is an attractive destination for investors, the remarkable benefits of obtaining a Golden Visa, and why you should choose Beyond Global Partners to guide you through this journey.

Eligibility Criteria

The recent changes to the Portugal Golden Visa program have brought new eligibility criteria into play. To qualify for this prestigious visa, investors have several options to consider, which are non-real estate related:

1. Transfer of Capital to Investment Funds: A minimum investment of €500,000 into non-real estate collective investment vehicles, such as venture capital or investment funds, opens the door to the Golden Visa.

2. Establishing or Strengthening a Portuguese Company: Invest at least €500,000 to set up or bolster a Portuguese incorporated company. Combine this with creating five permanent jobs or maintaining ten jobs for at least three years to meet the requirements.

3. Creating Jobs: Generating at least 10 jobs in Portugal can make you eligible for the Golden Visa.

4. Supporting Scientific Research: A minimum capital transfer of €500,000 into public or private scientific research institutions, integrated within Portugal’s scientific and technological system, can also lead to obtaining the visa.

5. Cultural Investment: Allocate at least €250,000 towards investment in or support for artistic production, recovery, or maintenance of the country’s national cultural heritage.

Notably, all former investments into real estate have been eliminated as eligible options. Furthermore, it’s essential to ensure that the chosen investment is not directly or indirectly linked to real estate.

Why Portugal?

Portugal has been consistently drawing high-net-worth individuals and investors due to its many attractions, making it an ideal location for securing a Golden Visa.

1. Strategic Location: Portugal’s strategic position in Europe offers easy access to both European and international markets, making it a coveted destination for global business activities.

2. Stable Economy: Portugal has a stable and growing economy with numerous opportunities for investment in various sectors, including technology, tourism, and renewable energy.

3. Quality of Life: The country boasts a high quality of life, excellent healthcare, and a pleasant climate, making it an attractive place for both business and leisure.

4. Visa-Free Travel: With a Golden Visa, you and your family gain access to the Schengen Area, allowing visa-free travel across 26 European countries.

5. Educational Opportunities: Portugal offers excellent educational institutions, including international schools and universities, providing a world-class education for your children.

Benefits of a Portugal Golden Visa

Obtaining a Golden Visa through Portugal can open up a world of benefits for high net worth individuals and their families.

1. Residency in Portugal: A Golden Visa grants you and your family the right to reside in Portugal, with the option to apply for permanent residency or citizenship in the future.

2. Schengen Access: Enjoy visa-free travel within the Schengen Area, facilitating business and leisure travel across Europe.

3. Diverse Investment Options: The program allows for a range of investments, providing flexibility to choose the investment that best suits your goals and preferences.

4. Real Estate Investment Opportunities: While real estate is not a direct path to the Golden Visa, it remains an attractive investment option for those seeking a stable and growing market.

5. Generational Benefits: The Golden Visa can be extended to your family, including your spouse, children, and even dependent parents.

Why Choose Beyond Global Partners?

Beyond Global Partners is your dedicated partner in navigating the Portugal Golden Visa process. Here’s why you should entrust us with this important journey:

1. Expertise and Experience: We have a team of experts with in-depth knowledge of the Golden Visa program, ensuring that you receive the best guidance and support throughout the application process.

2. Tailored Solutions: We understand that each investor’s needs are unique. We offer personalized solutions to help you select the most suitable investment option.

3. Network and Connections: Our extensive network in Portugal provides access to a wide range of investment opportunities, ensuring that you make informed choices.

4. Legal Compliance: We stay up-to-date with all regulatory changes and ensure that your investments meet the program’s requirements, avoiding any compliance issues.

5. Efficiency: We streamline the application process, saving you time and ensuring a smooth experience from start to finish.

Portugal’s Golden Visa program offers an exceptional opportunity for high net worth individuals to secure European residency, with the potential for permanent residency or citizenship in the future. The country’s strategic location, stable economy, and high quality of life make it an attractive investment destination.

By choosing Beyond Global Partners, you gain a trusted partner with expertise, experience, and a commitment to helping you achieve your goals. Contact us today, and let us guide you on your journey to securing a Portugal Golden Visa and unlocking the many benefits it offers.