Have recent occurrences left you concerned about both your well-being and your future? You’re not the only one. As a result of the war in Europe, the epidemic, and the rising level of violence, many people are looking for a home that is both safer and more stable. Looking into the leading nations that may provide you with the peace you need is worthwhile.

The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) just updated its Global Peace Index, which ranks the level of peace in 163 countries globally. Iceland continues to be the world’s most peaceful country, and once more, European nations dominate the top spots. So let’s discover the top 10 safest countries around the world.

What makes a country “safe”?

A secure nation is one in which all people, including residents and tourists, feel safe. The following are some of the essential elements that determine a nation’s security:

    • People are less likely to engage in criminal activities when they have access to jobs and resources. Therefore countries with robust businesses and low rates of unemployment are likely to be secure.

    • A nation with a history of political unrest and volatility is less likely to be safe than one with a stable government that operates under a solid democratic system.

    • A country with harmonious coexistence of diverse ethnic and religious groups is likelier to be safe. Discrimination and intolerance must be eliminated to foster social stability.

    • Nations with established emergency services structures and disaster management systems can better deal with crises and minimize damage.

    • A state attentive to its citizens’ demands and implementing effective policies to meet social concerns is more likely to foster security and stability.

    • A low crime rate is a vital sign of a secure nation. To keep peace and order, a robust law enforcement mechanism is required.

    • A sense of community and social connectivity can help make a country safer. Neighbors watch each other’s welfare in a close-knit community, which helps curb illegal behavior. In times of disaster, strong communal connections help create social cohesion and resistance.

    • The degree to which a country is militarized is also taken into account when assessing its security. Military spending, exports of weapons, and participation in violent wars are all indicators of instability and an invitation to violence. On the flip side, nations with a smaller military could be seen as more secure and peaceful. Reducing levels of militarization and promoting peace can also benefit from a strong emphasis on diplomacy and conflict resolution.

    • Providing and maintaining public safety requires an efficient and effective law enforcement system. A strong court system and police force that can prevent and react to crime are essential to any effective criminal justice system. Law officers must be adequately educated, supplied, and accountable for their activities.

10. Japan
Japan has a low crime rate, making it one of the safest countries in the world. Criminals in this nation have a hard time obtaining weapons because of the country’s stringent gun control legislation. The Japanese government has also spent a lot of money on security features like surveillance cameras and detection systems in public areas. But, it takes more than regulations and advanced technology to make Japan a particular country. The values of peace and mutual respect are highly prized in Japanese society. The government has a general sense of security and order because of the prevalence of these ideals.

9. Singapore
This dynamic city-state is well-known for its low rate of crime, excellent quality of life, and good governance. Singapore’s zero-tolerance mentality against corruption makes it the safest city in Asia. Law enforcement agencies take swift and severe action against offenders to preserve public safety. Singapore is a very secure place, not simply because of the policies there. The high respect for authority and the law among Singaporeans is significant for the country’s low crime rate. In addition, the country takes pride in its tidiness and efficiency.

8. The Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is a stunning country that is a very secure area to start a business and establish a family. The Czech Republic has been relatively free of violent crime and terrorist attacks for quite some time now. Several police personnel and surveillance cameras are in place around the European country to ensure public safety.

7. Slovenia
While relatively small, Slovenia packs a significant punch. It boasts a population of more than 2 million people, a slight stretch of shoreline on the Adriatic Sea, and a central European location. Because of its low crime rate and stable government, Slovenia is a relatively risk-free place to live. Having Austria, Hungary, Croatia, and Italy as neighbors is also a plus for Slovenia. It is geographically distant from any potential hotspots of instability.

6. Portugal
Portugal is more than simply a beautiful nation with a pleasant climate and easygoing people. It is also one of the world’s safest nations to visit. Economic inequality is relatively low. The income gap between the richest and the lowest in Portugal is only 7.5 times as large as in the United States, where it is approximately 12 times. There is less government corruption and greater protection of private property thanks to the rule of law. The country has not been involved in a major conflict for over two centuries and has a history of diplomatic connections with its neighbors.

5. Austria
The low crime rate and robust economy are major contributors to Austria’s high safety ranking. Little violent crimes and low rates of property crime make this a safe country in which to live, work, and raise a family. The healthy state of the economy is a major contributor to the absence of crime. When people have reliable sources of money, they are less likely to resort to illegal behavior. Austrian politics and governance are widely regarded as being highly functional and free of corruption.

4. Denmark
Incredibly, there were only 55 murders reported in all of Denmark in 2022. The robust economy and generous welfare system also contribute to the country’s tranquil atmosphere. Inequality and social instability may be controlled, keeping society safer. The people of Denmark are very similar in many ways. Because of its compact shape, this nation enjoys high social harmony and a low crime rate.

3. Ireland
You may think of Ireland and picture lush green hills, vibrant bars, and kind and welcoming inhabitants. The murder rate is far lower than in the rest of the world. The country’s strict firearms regulations and well-funded police force are responsible for this. A policy of military neutrality ensures that it is not involved in any ongoing hostilities, and recent years have been peaceful despite the country’s troubled history.

2. New Zealand
New Zealand, commonly known as the “land of the long white cloud,” is widely regarded as one of the world’s most beautiful and welcoming places. It is safer there than in many other nations because of the low population and crime rates. Having a stable administration and geographical isolation in the Pacific makes the country more secure. The country has stringent construction rules meant to lessen the impact of earthquakes.

The World Peace Index ranks the Land of Fire and Ice, Iceland, the world’s most peaceful nation. Due to its low homicide rate, low incidence of violent crime, and restricted access to small weapons, Iceland is a relatively safe place to live and travel. The low number of refugees and IDPs in Iceland also contributes to the country’s security.

Your future, as well as the future of your family, can be secured by making investments in one of the safest countries. Citizenship by Investment Programs provide applicants with a wide range of investment opportunities, allowing them to begin a new life in one of a number of nations while simultaneously acquiring a second passport. Get in touch with us to get your investing adventure started!